Sehnert Precision Dentistry

3 Celebrities Who Have Benefited from Veneers

August 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — sehnertprecisiondentistry @ 7:33 am
Celebrity on a red carpet

Sometimes it feels like celebrities are inhumanly beautiful, like there’s something that they’re doing to maintain their appearance that isn’t possible for the average person. While there are plenty of Hollywood secrets behind why movie stars look the way that they do, you’d be surprised at how many of them are also available to normal people.

For example, have you ever wondered why many celebrities seem to have an impossibly perfect smile? As it turns out, veneers are the secret behind many of them. Here are just a few examples of people you’ll recognize who have benefited from them.


Protect Your Smile with These 5 Dorm Dental Kit Essentials

July 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — sehnertprecisiondentistry @ 2:57 pm
Toothbrush, toothpaste, travel-size mouthwash, and floss, respectively

If you’re moving into a college dorm for the first time, the list of what you need to bring can seem endless. Even if you’re not sharing a bathroom with any of your peers, having all of your toiletries in one pouch helps you keep track of your essentials. Make sure you’re organized and prepared to take care of your smile by packing a few key dental items! Here are 5 essential things to put in your dorm dental kit.


How Will You Know When You Need a Dental Filling?

June 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — sehnertprecisiondentistry @ 9:04 pm
Examining a tooth that has received a filling

Tooth decay is a threat to your oral health that you should always take very seriously. As such, it’s best to have a filling placed to repair any existing cavities as soon as possible. But how will you know whether you need a filling? Your dentist is here to help explain what a filling is and how to recognize the signs that you might need one.  


4 Reasons to Start the Process of Getting Dental Implants This Summer

May 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — sehnertprecisiondentistry @ 12:55 pm
Two dental implants and a bridge in a plastic tray

What are your plans for the summer? If you’re struggling with missing teeth, then you may want to fit “start the process of getting dental implants” into your schedule. Dental implants provide many important benefits that can improve your quality of life, and summer is often an excellent opportunity to take the first steps toward having them placed in your jaw; here are 4 reasons why from your dentist.


Smile Big on Graduation Day with Cosmetic Dentistry

April 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — sehnertprecisiondentistry @ 7:24 pm
young woman smiling after graduating

As graduation day approaches, it’s only natural for your high school or college student to want to look and feel their best, both in person and in the photographs that will capture these memorable moments. One aspect that can significantly impact their overall appearance is their smile. Thanks to cosmetic dentistry, you can help your graduating student achieve the look of their dreams. Read on to learn which cosmetic dental treatments will give them a winning smile that they can use during and after their ceremony!


How to Celebrate National Coffee Day the Healthy Way

September 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — sehnertprecisiondentistry @ 1:22 pm
A cup of coffee marking National Coffee Day

As of this month, the U.S. has entered the fall season. That means lower temperatures, back-to-school shopping, and the return of Pumpkin Spice Lattes. Speaking of lattes, in fact, the seasonal shift also means the arrival of National Coffee Day! On September 29th, many of us will have a chance to celebrate one of our favorite drinks. However, it would be best to remember that coffee isn’t always great for teeth. Here are some ways to protect your smile even as you honor your java.


The 4-Step Process of Getting Dentures

August 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — sehnertprecisiondentistry @ 7:08 pm
a person holding dentures in Lewisville

Do you have several or all of your teeth missing? One of the most popular ways to rebuild your smile is with dentures. Once you have your new pearly whites, you’ll be able to enjoy eating comfortably, speaking clearly, and smiling confidently again! But how long does it take to start wearing your restorations? Keep reading to learn exactly what you should expect from the entire denture process.


5 Interesting Facts to Know About Dental Implants

August 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — sehnertprecisiondentistry @ 6:23 pm
example of dental implants in Lewisville

Did you know that dental implants back then used to be made out of bamboo pegs? Fortunately, with modern technology, these restorations are much more durable and natural-looking when restoring smiles. However, even though they’re the most effective and popular way to replace missing teeth, there are still misconceptions about the treatment. Read on to learn five facts about dental implants so that you know what to expect!

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